105 hours on a South American Buses, Oct 19th Santiago

We've decided that we might write up this trip in the form of a book one day - it truly has been a month of adventures. And finally, here we are, safe and sound, on the last night in Chile. We're not really counting Easter Island as South America.... we have to fly there so it figure as another place. Hence - WE SURVIVED SOUTH AMERICA (barely). We figured that we spent a grand total of 105 hours on buses cruinsing this vast continent - the majority of those with some kind of stomach issue that made the journey seem more taxing than it probably was. For up to date accounts of the movements you can see the adult rated version of this blog (just joking - its enough that I give Fo detailed accounts, I will spare the rest of society).

We spent last night back in Valparaiso with the friends who gave us Spanish lessons a month ago. It felt so good to be back and wonder at why the place seemed so exotic and slightly scary before. Now it kind of felt like home it was so familiar and safe. We had a huge seafood dinner in our honour (both of us thought grimly to how that would effect the morning movements while scoffing it down) and while our Spanish has only improved marginally we felt we could truly communicate with our welcoming friends over the bustle of a table groaning with food and wine. A marvellous night.

And now we're tired and ready for the next leg. Mum tells me there is only 12 more sleeps to go.
can't wait!

Much love,


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