back at the Junction...

Shea has a week off school and so we're cramming into this last week of reasonable weather, the final touches on the house to get it ready for winter. This entails insulating the final wall and roof, putting in the windows and doors and then locking up. The Little Laide is easy-going about being back but is proving more aware of her surroundings and thus more curious. Above, she's enjoying the Bumbo that I cleverly brought with us. My tool to keep her happy while preparing food etc in our wall tent. Unfortunately the table is behind me so I was unaware that when I turned my back to work, she would, gleefully aware that Mum was no longer watching, then do this....
I think the Bumbo is reaching the end of it's usefulness. I don't want to know that she can tip herself out of it when she hits the floor. She's done enough falling on my watch; it's Shea's turn to experience the joys of Adelaide and gravity.


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