reflections on our travel and fortunes

I'm not sure why I haven't posted here recently. Busy, I guess? What with I'm not entirely sure. I suppose there have been some Christmas preparations, a bit of socialising, the wee Laide of course, but I haven't at all felt rushed. That's one of my life goals, to never rush through my day and life. Perhaps I've been occupied with doing a lot of pootling...

Not enough socialising, says Mountain Dad, who laments that we haven't had an overwhelming amount of Christmas party invites.

"What's happened to us?" he wonders, "We should be out every night. I used to turn down invitations because I had so many."

Secretly I'm glad we're laying low. He's finished school for a couple of weeks and Little Laide and I are enjoying not having to share him with 16 teenagers.

The pictures above are from our trip 'outside.' Rather than adventuring to new places we spent our time with wonderful friends who reside in different parts of the country. It was a beautiful reminder of how loved we are by some incredible people. A lot of that, I suspect, was actually directed at Adelaide and I was merely bathing in the warm loom, but it was a joyous trip nonetheless.

In light of sad family news, it makes me think how treasured those moments with special folk are. It makes me so pleased that I will be back in Australia soon with my new little family, to visit and revel in my wider Aussie one. I look forward to attending a wedding to rival my own (hard to believe, mine was pretty damn fabulous), and sharing in the creation of new family memories while reflecting on those of familial legend.

I also look forward to all that good quality wine that accompanies all our family celebrations.

Photo's above:
1. self explanatory; the most beautiful Adelaide in Whitehorse.
2. with S.Mall
3. and The Captain
4. the most beautiful feet in BC
5. good mates
6 & 7. not minding being changed in public
8. still fall in BC, a full month after it left us in the Yukon
9 & 10. good mates still loving the wee Laide
11 - 15. on Salt Spring Island
16 - 19. now in Toronto visiting Kirsten
20. after a walk in the late fall crispness with Kirsten's folks
21 - 23. now visiting Anne in Orangeville where Abby joined us. And we sewed and ate and caught up.


PegandDrew said…
Camille this blog is awesome and it's time I revisited it. Your photos are incredible.

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