we came from the land down under

I just realised it's been two months since the last post. Busy? I guess. Moving? Definitely. Having too much fun to write? Well of course...

Pretty much, in the absence, Shea and I have grown up. We finished our big trip and returned to the warm, sunny, rainy and mild Yukon summer. We bought a new (ish) CRV that has leather interior, heated seats and LESS than 150 000 km's. We're so grown up we haven't even named it (yet, adds Mountain Dad). We own a trailer, an IKEA kitchen, we have an employee (helping build the Junction house), I have a job for September and we're the proud parents of a real toddler. Now 1, our Little Laide walks (no more crawling) and talks (likes to say "no!") I think she's also moving into "don't" right now. "Mum," "Dad," "Please," "Thank-you," "Gosh-you're-a-great-Mum-keep-up-the-good-work" ....not yet part of the vocabulary.

Following are some pictures of our marvellous month in Australia.

1. Mum and Little Laide herding cattle on 'Moonbah.' 
2. My first bike that we found laying in the grass at 'Moonbah.'
3. Mountain Dad and his girl in the dessert (ish)
4. Mountain Dad and his girl on the ocean (ish)
5. & 6. Sailing on Lavinda
7. Grandma Luks hard at knitting another beautiful jumper for her Little Laide (this one was a blend of possum, merino and silk).
8. Family weekend away. 
9. Playing 'pick-up-two.'
10. the Luks and their progeny
11. Playing 'feed-up-two.'

(photo's 1, 7,8, 9 & 11 courtesy of Dad Luks.)
(photo's 2 & 10, 11 & 12 courtesy of Dad Newnham.)

           and the last two following are of the last night in Australia. Shea had harangued us into lighting a fire by the water and having 'jaffles,' our formerly traditional Sunday night dinner. Maybe it'll be a new tradition...


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