greetings from vancouver

Dear Lox and Laide,
I've been in Vancouver for four days now. I'm having so much fun wandering around this bustling city but I do miss you guys. Because it takes a while for mail to get to the Yukon and because you will be here rather soon, Dad and I thought I could write you postcards on the computer. He says he will read them to you each day. This is a picture out the plane window, don't the clouds look like a lovely doona to lie on?
My counsellor told me that when you are a grown-up, it is a good idea to find 3 things in your day that make you happy and 1 thing that is challenging. That is the secret to grown-up happiness. I think that it's different when you are a kid because you let your feelings come and go so easily. Your feelings-maker creates the feelings, you feel them and then let them go. Mama finds that a bit harder to do. Sometimes she finds it tricky to feel the challenging ones. The ones that are in the blue zone. You know Mama is pretty good at the yellow and orange and red zones, though...

Anyway, I wanted to share with you my 3 happy's and a frown for today.
The happy's:
1) You guys! My apartment here is quiet without you two bubbling away nearby me. I miss your voices. Even though you're not here, knowing that you're my kids makes me happy. 
2) My bike! I had someone help me put it together again and so now I can ride around the city. There are so many cars; it's not like biking on the millennium trail.
3) The canon! Every night at 9pm a canon fires in the park next to our apartment here. It makes a loud whoomphing sounds. It makes me jump every night and then I smile because I can't wait for you to hear it. 

The frown:
I have my first radiation tomorrow. They make me lie on a long table and it slides into a round machine that sends x-rays through my chest. It doesn't hurt at all when you're there, but over time it will make me very tired and my skin very red. I have to do it 25 times (that's 25 days). The radiation should kill any cancer cells that might be left in my breast. I'm feeling a bit nervous because I've never done it before. Do you know that feeling?

I wish you were here.
Love, Mama.


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