It's a nice life

So, we got away on Feisty.

Despite neither Mountain Dad nor I knowing much about sailing, we made it out, under sail, for a couple of nights. Notwithstanding the time we ran over the dinghy line and swamped my parents dinghy, or the time we ran into another yacht that was moored and had to drop our dinghy line and set it free in order to avoid swamping it a second time, or the time we ran aground...
         ... notwithstanding those excitements, we had a marvellous time. Here, the winds of late summer are light and so ideal for us to adventure in. Feisty is simple, but cosy, and allows a sense of wilderness that we've been missing. I could run you through, blow by blow, the couple of days we had camping out on Feisty. But I'll defer to Master Lox to sum it up.
As I kissed him goodnight in our bunk on Feisty, he sighed and said to me,

"This is a nice bed.

And a nice family.

And a nice boat.

And a nice life."

Too true, dear one. Too true.


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